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Connecting ideas between sentences or paragraphs (transition words)/ Connectors (Part 4)

Connecting ideas between sentences or paragraphs (transition words)/ Connectors (Part 4)

You can use the following words as signals for introducing disagreement or conflict:
Making a concession or compromise about a point:
admittedly                       given that                                 naturally
albeit                              granted that, granting that                   nevertheless
although                           however                                              nonetheless
at least                             I admit that                                         notwithstanding
be that as it may             in any event                                       still
but even so                   in either event                                     though
even though                 in the event that                                  yet
Dismissing a previous statement or argument:
all the same                  in any case                     in the event that               whatever happens
besides                       in any event                      it may appear that               whichever
either way                    in either case                                rather    
even if                                        in either event                            regardless        
Pointing out a contradiction:
But         conversely           however           in spite of      when in fact 
Despite                            in contrast           instead                whereas
by way of contrast
Indicating reservations:
Indeed            notwithstanding nevertheless        regardless nonetheless                   
Indicating a digression to a previous point or resuming after a digression or interruption:
Anyway     at any rate       incidentally         to get back to the point
As I was saying                by the way           to change the topic   
to return to the subject
Pointing out conditions
Although                 if                     only if                     providing that       as/so long as     on condition that    provided that        unless         
You can use the following words as signals that a summary or conclusion will be presented:
given these facts
all in all, all together
as a result
in conclusion, to conclude
as I have said, as I stated,
in short
as I have shown
on the whole
as indicated above/earlier
as mentioned, as I mentioned
as noted earlier, as has been noted,
as I have noted
summing up, in summary,
briefly, in brief, to put it briefly
to summarize
by and large

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